Who We Are

Investement Advisor Fintech

99 Investing srl is a Fintech created in 2015 to turn ideas in the financial market into highly efficient Trading Systems.

The 99 Investing operates as advisory services.

We provide our customers with our systems, trading strategies and financial knowledge.

What We Do


The "99 System" is the complete set of software, algorithms, logics and people who manage the project.

The system was designed and developed to minimize the risk deriving from market dynamics and the emotionality of the traders, without reducing control and efficiency.

The high scalability of the software allows rapid adaptation to new technologies and market dynamics.

Trading Systems

Trading systems are the logic, the brain of the system.
The 99 Investing has more than one trading system and they will increase in the future.

System Software

It is the set of operating software (System Engine, System Sentinel). It is the engine of the system.

Data Processing

All data are managed and processed directly by the 99 Investing without intermediaries.
The data we hold, acquired through years of work, allow a constant improvement of trading techniques.


Financial advisors, traders, programmers. Highly qualified staff controls, manages and improves the system. For us people are at the center of the project, we believe in technology but we do not depend on it.

Multi Broker

The "99 System" has been developed to support more than one broker.
At the moment our main broker is Interactive Brokers

High Control

The system is developed so that it can be suspended, stopped or restarted at any time.
In cases of extreme market volatility action can be taken promptly, even from a remote location

Alarm Systems

Dedicated software control the system 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Any problems, errors or atypical situations are reported in real time

"System 99" Scheme

99 System

All trading systems have been developed with (real) "vital" features that determine its strength and risk control


High liquidity (50% minimum) is always available in the portfolio

Low Risk

Low risk, low margin, low leverage for the instruments that use it


Real diversification of instruments and operational methods


Adaptive algorithms to new market dynamics that change over time

Where Whe Are

99 INVESTING s.r.l.

Cesare Cantù street, n. 104

47981 Dogana (Republic of San Marino)


Contact Form

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